Inking weird
Ok so I recently purchased a roller gauge and re-taped my rails that looked hammered on. Chopped up a couple old plates and was testing it out and this is what I have been getting. What could be causing this? Also on a side note I was inking up the press and the ink didn’t seem to want to disperse, there was darker blotches on the inking plate and rollers what could cause this. I have attached a photo of problem number uno.
Thank you!

What are you cleaning the press with?
If the disk, rollers or or the plate is oily, inking may be inconsistent.
Poylmer plates? How old were they? If they are left for a long time, or get exposed to UV light, they will harden and/or cup.
I use California Wash. I suppose I could clean everything up again. Those plates with the numbers are old but the one with the pattern is relatively new, a couple weeks, and still don’t seem to be crisp.
It looks like the paper you are printing on has quite a rough texture. Have you proofed the plates on something smoother, with a harder surface? That will tell you whether it is the inking at fault, or makeready and impression.
John Henry
Ill have to try that… I am testing out Savoy and Neenah to see which one I like better I am more inclined that the 5 issue is a plate issue but I could be wrong. I have printed before without the “splotchy” issue… So frustrating ha.
Looks like cupping of the plate, but that inking doesn’t seem to represent it completely. Deglaze the rollers and give them a real good wash.
Deglaze them? What do you use for this?
Putz Pomade is a good one I like. NA Graphics has it, I believe. Use only once in a while or if the rollers start to go wonky after long times of use.
Ill have to look into that although they dont look glazed. In regards to my other question does anyone known why the ink wouldn’t want to disperse on the ink plate and rollers?
2 small pointers possibly, Not Facts! more conjecture and rusty memory:- re rollers that needed De-Glazing over and above, removing many layers of ink, (with caustic soda by another name) our U.K. forerunners of Graphic Suppliers sold (De-Glazing) paste in tube form, with quite specific methods and times of application. GLAZE seemingly a build up of calcium, also as in auto Engines, which was removed mechanically rather than chemically, With A GLAZE BUSTER tool. Where the calcium comes from, not clarified, in either case.
One more, (Sounds disgusting) perhaps one of your Stateside buddies, will corroborate, up to Heidelberg Platen size machine, even with Auto Wash Up the minders would almost to man, spit on the roller train and cylinder, to kill the last vestiges of anything slightly oily, left after wash up, and before the next colour Perhaps there is something in human saliva just slightly acidic.?????
Clue to last query, maybe!!! Laugh with me & at me but check it out, possibly.?
Ok friends… figured out it was a packing issue. Added another couple layers of packing and problem solved!