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Topic / No. of postsLast post ↓
Help Identifying a Few Parts 329 Jan 17  Pressed Letters
Sigwalt chase question 928 Jan 17  Foolproof546
Asking Price Help 128 Jan 17  juss.design07
Heidelberg Windmill start stop... 127 Jan 17  PL
What's in a picture? 127 Jan 17  Fritz1
Heidelberg Windmill wash up 526 Jan 17  newbie0813
My most interesting find so far! 625 Jan 17  mrburgandy
Tips for trimming pressboard? 425 Jan 17  c_hersom
Victorian dancer metal cut? 625 Jan 17  eehancock
Seattle area Vandercook tune-up tour 123 Jan 17  Courtney
How best would handle this 323 Jan 17  Colophon Press
Anyone on the forum collect these? 323 Jan 17  mnmom64
Funny but sad story, only old time... 622 Jan 17  Pressed Letters
Letterpress Inks 921 Jan 17  HavenPress
Heidelberg Windmill clearance... 621 Jan 17  harrildplaten
Magnetic Numbering for bank checks 621 Jan 17  harrildplaten
Old galley page proofer with a VERY... 221 Jan 17  Mick on Monotype
frozen ink? 521 Jan 17  InkSprite
Moving a Heidelberg // Recommended... 818 Jan 17  mnreggie
Windmill motor specs? 517 Jan 17  mgurzo
Need a chase bed for Kelsey 6x10... 117 Jan 17  Arjun Dhillon
Need a few Ludlow lines Casted 517 Jan 17  greater houston...
Do X, XX, XXX or XXXX staples still... 817 Jan 17  gachap
Custom wood typeface? 816 Jan 17  J Russell-Steuart
Pricing of numbering work 1515 Jan 17  Mike H.
Printing on top of Varnish 814 Jan 17  bppayne
The Notting Steel Quoin 314 Jan 17  harrildplaten
Fritz 614 Jan 17  sevulan
Oversized Sheets 312 Jan 17  Geoffrey
Leibinger #13 Numbering Machine Help 512 Jan 17  bppayne
Diecut chipboard 712 Jan 17  western411
Kluges how to dispose of 511 Jan 17  Joseph P. Flad Jr.
Speedspools, Edinburgh -- 50th... 310 Jan 17  thomas gravemaker
Looking for a residency? We have a... 19 Jan 17  Kimmel Harding ...
Heidelberg Motor Question 109 Jan 17  AndyBeck
Christmas/Chanukah cards 138 Jan 17  wvasweetness
Vandercook No:1 for sale 36 Jan 17  ted lavin
"Tip-Top Kelly" press 25 Jan 17  Nick Howard
Help with FAG heigh gauge 45 Jan 17  thomas gravemaker
Broadside vs. Poster 64 Jan 17  dadofguads
Fade resistant paper 44 Jan 17  Theo Bell
Damon & Peets Letterpress 42 Jan 17  Chris Medley
D&W American No. 6 - Looking for... 42 Jan 17  moe_szys1ak
Kelsey serial numbers and dates 261 Jan 17  whistlepigpress
Craftsman 10 x 8, info please. 330 Dec 16  Mick on Monotype
Keep or Melt? 329 Dec 16  greater houston...
Is C&P Secondary Flywheel Necessary? 3028 Dec 16  Mick on Monotype
Purchasing Numbering Machine for... 428 Dec 16  harrildplaten
Quick video of some print work 927 Dec 16  Lammy
Removing Adhesive Buildup on Knife... 1026 Dec 16  jonathanjeclipse